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A boxed arrangement of roses. Will travel well to your destination and your recipient can enjoy..
NZ$63.00 Ex Tax: NZ$63.00
Perfect bouquet when your wanting to give something different. Complete with pink roses, lillie..
NZ$89.90 Ex Tax: NZ$89.90
Perfect bouquet when your wanting to give something different. Complete with red roses, calla l..
NZ$89.90 Ex Tax: NZ$89.90
This bouquet is unique with a classic two tone rose - availability limited. Order now. Includes comb..
NZ$119.90 Ex Tax: NZ$119.90
Perfect bouquet when your wanting to give something different. Complete with yellow roses, lill..
NZ$90.90 Ex Tax: NZ$90.90
Roses wrapped in a tight bunch and ready to take with you on your night out. ..
NZ$59.90 Ex Tax: NZ$59.90
This is a one of a kind, made to order special. Feeling blue really does feel great at Parkgate..
NZ$25.00 Ex Tax: NZ$25.00
Add one of these small Lindt bars to your bouquet of flowers for that extra touch this Valentines. O..
NZ$7.50 Ex Tax: NZ$7.50
A cute little posy bouquet to brighten anyone’s day. Available instore. Colours may vary depending o..
NZ$59.00 Ex Tax: NZ$59.00
A stunning large bouquet with flowers to tantalise the eyes. A show stopper. ..
NZ$300.00 Ex Tax: NZ$300.00
Send a dozen red roses. Beautifully wrapped with ribbon and greenery. We do offer a choice of e..
NZ$80.00 Ex Tax: NZ$80.00
Impress with this TALL single stem elegant rose. Wrapped with greenery in our signature black and go..
NZ$29.90 Ex Tax: NZ$29.90
Being TALL stemmed – sunflowers are part of the new black and therefore&nbs..
NZ$59.00 Ex Tax: NZ$59.00